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About Your Water
Billing / Customer Service
Bills may be paid by mail with the return envelope (addressed to Marina Coast Water District, Dept LA23031, Pasadena, CA 91185-3031), which is included with your bill. You can bring your payment to the District office during business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday) or leave it in the drop box for after hours, located next to the front door. Bills can also be paid online with a Master Card, Visa, American Express or Discover Card; or automatically from your bank account (see Electronic Bill Payment below). If you need help setting up an online account, please call us at 384-6131.
You receive two sewer bills because two entities are involved: The District is responsible for the collection of wastewater and the maintenance of the sewer system (this fee appears on your monthly bill), and Monterey One Water (M1W) is responsible for pumping the wastewater from Marina to the regional treatment plant and treating the wastewater (this fee is billed by M1W every two months). Currently, M1W charges both Central Marina and Ord Community customers $88.00 every two months.
Ord Community Customers
The criteria for establishing monthly water and wastewater collection rates were documented in an agreement between FORA and the District. Monthly water service rates include a monthly base, or meter charge (currently $48.94 for a ¾ inch meter), and an amount for each unit of water (1 unit = 100 cubic feet = 748 gallons). To encourage conservation, the more water a customer uses the more the monthly water charge will be. Customers using from 1 to 10 units of water each month pay $4.90 per unit. For each unit above 10, the unit charge increases to $9.55 per unit. For example, a residence using 13 units of water in a month will charged $126.59 ($48.94 + [10 x $4.90] + [3 x $9.55]). The monthly residential wastewater collection charge is a flat amount determined by dividing the annual wastewater collection system budgets (operating and capital) by the number of equivalent residential units. The current monthly charge is $38.15.
Not yet. While non-residential water customers are now being metered, Presidio of Monterey Annex and CSUMB residential customers will be metered over the next two years. Until water meters are installed on residences, customers will be charged a flat monthly water charge—currently $194.40 per month. The Army and CSUMB have committed their support to the installation of residential water meters so that customers are only charged for the amount of water they use.
The District
Mailing Address: 11 Reservation Road, Marina, CA 93933
Telephone: (831)384-6131
Web site: